Can anyone explain how rdng global configuration works as could not able to create multiple streams for rm ?

Accepted answer

You have to explicitly opt in for configuration management for the DOORS Next project area to create multiple streams. In opt out mode, only one stream per component is permitted, but you can create multiple baselines from the component's stream.

Where do i get this opt in/opt out option in ibm rm 702 ?

See the self-service page at

I cannot find the option for opt in/ opt out in IBM requirements management as following the above link it refers to DOORS 9.7 versions or later but not exactly how to configure opt in explicitly? Please guide me for IBM rm 7.0.2 to check with that opt option.

You first need to get the configuration management license key from the self-service page and define it in advanced server properties for DOORS Next and/or ETM as per the instructions on that page. Only then will the project area configuration management page show the enable configuration management button.